Mental and Social Challenges Bring Growth

Sometimes the challenges are fun–as when Sophia students have to figure out how to get ten people walking 45 to 50 feet on a cable one foot above the ground with no way to hold on (yes, they did it!). Sometime the challenges are hard work–such as trying to figure out if they are looking at a compound, a homogenous mixture, or some other thing with a name they’ve learned for the first time one day before. In all the challenges, though, Sophia students are growing cognitively, emotionally, and even socially.

Social Emotional Learning is popular in 2023, and Sophia Academy joins many other schools around the country making sure that we include SEL training into our school day. We want our students to be comfortable in their own skin, confident in their abilities, and eager to take on new challenges.

College and High School Start Together

Sophia Academy seniors have joined the incoming class at Esperanza College for one class per semester. Dual Enrollment has many benefits for our students: becoming familiar with college expectations and processes, thus taking the “fear factor” out of college matriculation; completing high school requirements while earning college credit at the same time; having Sophia teachers help with everything from time management, to understanding syllabi, to writing.

Each student reacts differently. Some throw themselves into the college course and want to take more. Others drag their feet and say “I’m going to trade school.” But the great thing about classes at Esperanza is that even trade school classes like College Algebra (needed for many trades) can be completed early.

Jose uses study hall time to review his Psychology notes from his college course.